The global design team behind the proposed new downtown stadium at Quay Park envisions the arena becoming Auckland’s replica of the Sydney Opera House.

The stadium, with a capacity of 55,000, is a bold and original design inspired by traditional Māori culture and historic characteristics of the Auckland isthmus. The U-shaped arena extends out at one end, providing views of Waitematā Harbour and Rangitoto Island.
It’s an unusual concept in New Zealand and Australasia, and it has the potential to be divisive, but the design team wanted to push the limits.

“We view every stadium as a unique opportunity,” HKS Australasia director Andrew Colling told the Herald. “Every city deserves a unique response and especially New Zealand. The last thing Auckland needs is another cookie cutter, cake tin solution that is imported from Australia or imported from Europe. We felt very strongly that this was an opportunity to take a fresh start.”
The design is unique from any aspect and represents a significant change from the typical coliseum bowl. The roof is inspired by traditional Maori culture, with its pattern and linework, and the entire construction defies description.

HKS wanted stadium fans to have a visual link to their environment, rather than a contained arena, with vistas of the harbour and the Auckland metropolis.
Supporters of the idea, led by former Warriors CEO Jim Doyle, believe the precinct will promote revitalization in the Quay Park area, which is the final in a series of waterfront developments after Wynyard Point, the Viaduct, Britomart, and Commercial Bay.